Wednesday, December 10, 2008

California's Recession

I was watching the news tonight and the Governator said that we our in time of financial crisis. That's pretty obvious! Look at California's unemployment rate, closing down of businesses, and hundreds of foreclosures - does that not give you a hint? The Governator goes to blame the lawmakers for not coming up with any compromise in passing a budget that would bridge the gap of how much California owe and to build some revenue. He says if he has the power, he'd lock both parties, Democrats and Republicans, until they agreed on a sound budget. Taxpayers lose $470 every second, $2800 every minute, $1.7 million every house, $40 million every day as long as the lawmakers do not agree on a budget. Here's an idea STOP PAYING THE LAWMAKERS!!! until they get their act together. Almost, always financial budgetary cuts affects those among lowest rank state workers - i.e. janitors, university employees, etc... Why not put the burden onto the lawmakers so they know how important this is to the people that they are serving. Maybe, they won't have their fancy dinners, they're morning latte's, and their jet trips on the backs of taxpayers. Oh wait, but the lawmakers still would not feel the money crunch since they're pockets are supported by special interests!

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