Sunday, October 26, 2008

it all seems like a dream

this change - this move to a familiar yet new environment seems like a dream. it all happened too fast as I ask the world to slow down and let me catch up. im scared that apart of me has died and parts of me will die. however, I know parts of me will continue to grow. maybe this change is all to new which seemes likes its too fast. after all I never left sonoma county for I have left my roots there

Monday, October 20, 2008

letting go

letting go is the art of true freedom
but, the most challeging action to achieve


$15 for haircut
$28 for a carwash
$3.85 for a chai latte
all distractions of what's really to be looked at
the uneasiness of being alone with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings
causes to distract from what's real
but to live is to face these uneasiness

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Prettiest Friend - Jason Mraz

Prettiest Friend - Jason Mraz

This is what I look like today
And I'm trying not to pull out my hair
I'm trying not to show it 'cause I'm far too shy to grow it back there
That's probably why I like wearing hats
There's no denying I'm deferring the facts
Avoiding confrontation
Lacks tact in a situation
Behind every line is a lesson yet to learn

But if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overwhelming
And oh, it goes to show
I've so much to know

I wrote this for my prettiest friend
Who while trying not to prove that I care
Trying not to make all my moves in one motion and scare her away
Well she can't see she's making me crazy now
I don't believe she knows she's amazing how
She has me holding my breathe
So I'd never guess that I'm a none such unsuitable, suited for her

But if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is complimentery
And oh, it goes to show
The moral of the story is boy loves girl
And so on the way that it unfolds is yet to be told

I know that I should be brave
Even pretty can be seen by the blind
I know that I cannot wait
Until the day we finally learn how to find each other
Redefining open minds

And if you ask me
The feeling that I'm feeling is overjoyed
And it's golden, it goes to show then
The ending of this song should be left alone
And so on 'cause the way it unfolds is yet to be told

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

In the midst of transition...

In the midst of transition from - one space to the next; from one job to the next; from reality to the next - there more questions than answers. But, all I have to do is ride the waves and see where life takes me... I'm trusting the process as I learn and re-learn to exhale and take it all in strides.